The subject of downloading music has been complicated since the mid-1990s when there were legal challenges surrounding it. It can be difficult to determine what is legal and illegal. People may hesitate to download music from new websites due to the possible risks.
Anyone should be wary of spyware and viruses. You have compelling reasons to be cautious about downloading music.
Downloading music is a great way to find new songs for your MP3 or computer, provided you take the necessary precautions. It’s possible to purchase individual songs, rather than whole albums. You don’t need to have a CD case. Digital music is the future. It’s worth learning how to find legal and safe music downloads.
You should ensure that the site you want to download music is legal when searching for one. Some companies based outside the US claim that they are exempted from US music distribution laws, and thus have the right to provide music for free download. These sites are highly suspect. You may find yourself on a website that offers songs for an unusually low price. This is likely illegal.
After legality, you need to consider five main factors: price, selection and format. You also need digital rights management (DRM) and additionals. The two main factors, selection and price, are almost identical between major download sites. The infamous-but-reformed Napster offers roughly the same amount of tracks as Apple’s iTunes, and the per-track price for both sites is 99 cents. Napster offers an unlimited monthly plan where you can download unlimited songs for one price – something iTunes has yet to do. Many users argue that Napster is a better choice because of this.
Many people consider selection to be more important than price. You don’t want to find out that the site you prefer for music downloads doesn’t have that particular artist. It’s normal to expect it to happen from time to time, but if it doesn’t, it’s best to move on.
It is important to understand the format offered by the site and whether it will work with your portable music player if you intend to use your music downloaded. Some services or sites only offer a specific format that is compatible with their software. This can be frustrating as it may force you to use only one type or device for your entire music collection.
DRM is a topic that has divided the internet community. DRM allows music distributors to control the fate of music you download. You can download music to create CDs. However, it is important to check that your DRM allowances allow you to burn CDs from downloaded tracks. You can only burn one song or playlist at a time. Some sites require additional payments and others will not let you burn CDs of downloaded songs.
If you’re deciding between two music sites, the extras you receive with your music downloads may be enough to tip it in your favor. Some music downloading services include additional files along with the album download. However, these files are not malicious. These files can be compared to the liner notes included in CDs. This extra offering is great for fans who want to enjoy the amazing cover art and notes included with CDs.
This information will help you make an informed decision on which website is the best for you if you are looking for legal music. There are many site reviews that can help you make a decision between the various contenders. To avoid problems with viruses, spyware, and legality, choose a trusted service mp3juice.